I am an Associate Professor (Open Contract) and the Education Lead for the Department of Pharmacology. I also served as the Education Director of Nursing Curriculum and Digital Transformation in the Department of Pharmacology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore.
I did my undergraduate studies in National University of Singapore and graduated with Bachelors of Biomedical Science (Honours). I then pursued a Ph.D. in Kanazawa University, specializing in Neuropharmacology under the Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbukasho). I went to RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako-shi, Japan and Children’s Hospital Boston at Harvard University, Boston, USA for my postdoctoral fellowship. I came back home to Singapore in 2009 to start a neuroscience laboratory (neuroepigenetics.com) and have been heading it since then.
I joined the Department of Pharmacology in 2014, focusing in the new direction in my life to inspire the next generation of health-care professionals. I love understanding how things work (and don’t!) and using therapeutics to treat those perturbed systems. I guess that is why I joined this department as I can holistically impart these knowledge to my learners. My portfolio is mainly the undergraduate (NUR 1125, NUR 1126 and NUR 2123) and postgraduate (MDG 5238 and MDG 5239) Nursing Curriculum but I also coordinate teach my pet topic Neuropharmacology in the Life Science Module (LSM 3219).
As an educator, I am also interested in developing materials that are beneficial to my students’ learning and love to dabble in technology and I learnt how to use different technology platforms to gel all my teachings together. I am a true blue scientist and love to see if these technology does translate to better learning outcomes for our students and I have been doing a lot of educational research since 2014 and established an education-centred lab called Laboratory of Digital Learning & Development or LD-squared (ld-squared.com). As I learnt through a series of failures and successes, I also like to share these experiences with my fellow educators in how to best technology in their classes. I am pursuing a Masters in Medical Education at Harvard Medical School and I have learnt many skills from curriculum design to deisgning quantitative and qualitative analyses and studies. I also completed a certificate from Harvard Macy Institute on "Transforming your teaching with technology".
I also like to share my knowledge through talks, conferences and invitations to other HLEs and schools. One of my mission in life is to inspire teenagers to pursue science or medical (STEM) careers, regardless of whichever schools they go to and it should not be limited to elite schools or to a specific gender. I also reach out to the public and provide courses to empower them in different courses of their lifespans!
Reach out to me if you need any help, as a learner or educator. I would be glad to share tips to help you in any way!
Yours truly,
Judy Sng
P.S. My family name has no vowel so it is pronounced as Sung. But please put this vowel in the right place, otherwise I am Dr Snug!